A small bouquet of rosemary - what you can do with it

Sure, meat, fish and vegetables are seasoned with rosemary.

My tip also has to do with seasoning, but I'm not just using the needles of rosemary.

You can use a posy as a brush to bring the meat while grilling or frying
Marinade or oil to brush. So the nice aroma comes to the meat.

You can also make skewers from rosemary if you pluck almost all needles, except for the tuft at the top. You spit lamb pieces, onion and pepper alternately on the sprig of rosemary. The finely chopped needles are then stirred into the sauce.

The fact that rosemary is good for hair and hair growth has already been mentioned by FM. Put the rosemary in almond oil to massage the scalp before washing your hair. In addition, brown-haired ladies get a particularly beautiful shine in their hair when they rinse it with rosemary tea.

Herb Bouquet Arrangement | April 2024