Absorb spiders without them crawling out again

Many people always say the spiders crawl out of the vacuum cleaner again. I also had this problem. Then I read that spraying insect spray on a cloth and put it in the vacuum cleaner bag, against fleas, etc.

I tried that, but against spiders. And so far no one crawled out alive again :)

Drachima: If possible, I put a cup over the spider, slide a piece of paper between the cup, bottom, etc. so that the spider is on the paper. Then I release her to freedom. As a rule, spiders are useful animals. This is how my parents taught and handled it.
So why do I suspect that this fear of spiders also results from earliest childhood? xldeluxe: ... and I bought a gripper, which captures spiders and other creepy-crawlies by means of long fiberglass hairs, and then then to transport them outside ...............

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