Advent Gift: Cally's Studded Muffins

With the Quarkstollen recipe I actually already have some of the "Börgs nee, I do not eat stollen!" - faction converts, they always wait until I start to bake at the end of the year ... Now, of course, it is very elaborate and also expensive, for all fans to bake whole stollen, so I baked the Quarkstollen dough in muffin form - and huge success with it! The recipe, for those who do not know it yet: 500 g wheat flour 1 P. baking powder 200 g sugar Something salt Mark of a vanilla pod 1 Rum flavor 1/2 Bitter almond oil 1/2 Lemon oil 1 Msp. Cardamom 1 Msp. Macis flower (is also an emergency grated nutmeg) 2 eggs 125 g butter 50 g beef fat (I also use butter) 250 g quark 125 g raisins 125 g currants 125 g almonds, ground or chopped 40 g citron (I chop it very finely in the moulinette, then you bite not unpleasant on it, but still has the fine aroma) process everything to a kneading dough, preferably with the hand, the dough is very heavy. Place about 90-100 g each in a muffin dish and bake circulating air at 160 ° C for about 35 minutes on a medium rail. Just after baking with 150 g of melted butter, 2-3 times, so that everything moves in well. After cooling, sprinkle thickly with powdered sugar, leave to cool open one night, then in cellophane and best in the cellar for 3-4 weeks. (Same procedure with whole tunnels ...). I give away these small, incredibly delicious lugs wrapped in cellophane sachets (they stay in them until well into the next year) like to colleagues, the courier, the doctor's assistants at my doctor, partly with a five-euro note on it, partly with chocolate , a thank you card or glitter stars or or, or ... And everyone is happy! I always have some of them, in the box in the trunk and in the bag also happens to them so fast nothing - so you can always have ready in Advent.

Xmas Candles Decorating Competition Collab with Cally Chelsea | April 2024