Against hangover

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What do you do against hangover and when the bed turns?
April 2024

What do you do against hangover and when the bed turns?

Tips that my big brother gave me can be wonderfully confirmed: What do I do against cat? Be sure to drink plenty of water before going to bed. Since the alcohol draws water from the body (and then...

Great recipe against hangover from my mom
April 2024

Great recipe against hangover from my mom

A totally smoky drinking party so halfway survived? Everyone knows that, you wake up in the morning and the nausea and headaches kill you! Super means against it: Immediately force yourself to get up...

Scrambled eggs for light hangover
April 2024

Scrambled eggs for light hangover

I tried it personally on New Year's morning and it worked. In the morning after eating a scrambled egg for breakfast with a light hangover. I have to say an hour later I was well again. Malerchen:...

Alka Seltzer is the helper
April 2024

Alka Seltzer is the helper

Who does not know it? It was a wet and cheerful evening. Since the alcohol plays such a nasty, unfortunately, one thinks not a little to the next day, as one feels after 6l beer, a few shortcuts and...

Avoid hangover from the beginning
April 2024

Avoid hangover from the beginning

Many tips on hangover are about how to get rid of him, but it's better not to get one. The problem is that dehydrated alcohol and unfortunately also vitamins, minerals, etc. are washed out with it....

The right drink against hangover
April 2024

The right drink against hangover

The evening ends slowly, you are drunk and know exactly that you have the choice between fingers stuck in the neck or wake up the next morning with a giant hangover. But there is another possibility:...

The cat rescue: drinking water
April 2024

The cat rescue: drinking water

You know that, you have drunk like a moose and know exactly what will bloom the next morning ... but is not really in a hurry. The next morning I do not want to get up, take a shower, or roll-up pugs...

Sauna against hangover
April 2024

Sauna against hangover

- After a night of drinking, try to get up in the morning. - Always drink plenty of water. - Then cycle comfortably to the next indoor pool (almost all bathrooms have a sauna), and into the heat. -...

Fierce party, a lot of alcohol, fear of the morning? drink milk
April 2024

Fierce party, a lot of alcohol, fear of the morning? drink milk

So I can only reveal my experience here. No guarantee if it helps everyone. If I was away on the weekend and had a lot of drinking, then I drink in the evening before going to sleep cold milk! Mostly...

What really helps against the hangover after too much alcohol
April 2024

What really helps against the hangover after too much alcohol

After I found in the net various remedies allegedly hangover alleviating effect, I ordered 2 times (RU21, Prime Serum) and put my liver in the service of science. I ordered RU21 from the US Ebay. Is...