Anti-Monster spray for children

The Anti-Monster Spray reliably removes all kinds of monsters in the closet and under the bed!

Many parents may know that, because some kids have a monster phase at some point. There's a monster in the closet, under the bed or behind the curtain.

Of course, you explain to the little ones, there are no monsters, they do not need to worry, but many children believe it anyway, are afraid to fall asleep at night and dream badly. The little 4-year-old son of my girlfriend has firmly stated that in his wardrobe would live a blue monster and not only with him, no, even with his kindergarten friends. Of course, the children in kindergarten talk about it, frighten each other and at night, when it's time for bed, you have the salad. Especially at Halloween and carnival time, when everyone dresses up, such fears come up again.

The father has now come up with a monster spray, he has washed out an old empty spray bottle, filled it with water and printed a monster. The child could also describe "his" monster or paint himself. He then stuck this piece of paper on the bottle, and when one night the son spoke to the blue monster again, he came with the bottle and said, so now is no more monster, we will eliminate now forever.

He said: You know, when Mutti cleans the bathroom, then it eliminates with the cleaners all bacteria and dirt and here I have a monster spray worried and so we kill your monster now. He sprayed it under the bed and everywhere where the monster is supposed to live. The boy was overjoyed and has not mentioned a word since. On the one hand you should not give children any confirmation, but on the other hand you can calm them down very well and that also affects the sleep and well-being of the child. No more panic and fears, the monster has been reliably eliminated. Later, when the child gets older, then it knows what's the matter and certainly does not blame the father for the small white lie.

I thought it was a great idea and hope that one or the other child helped.

Anti Monster Spray | April 2024