Avoid ingrown hair and remove

Hair that gets under the skin - ingrown hairs do not just look ugly, they itch and hurt? and sometimes they even get infected. Here are some simple tricks and gimmicks to help stray hairs.

Hair usually grows after hair removal. Because after shaving, waxing or epilating, it can happen that the regrowing hair does not just sprout out of the skin, but wrinkle in the growth phase or grow obliquely into the skin. They usually form unsightly knobs or pimples. Although anyone who regularly removes body hair knows the problem. But while some people seldom struggle with stray hair, others often do. "Most commonly, ingrown hairs appear in people who have thick, curly or unruly hair," explains Sabine Zenker, dermatologist from Munich. Because, in comparison to fine, straight hair, tends to curl up and grow into the skin.

Hair in imbalance

Especially affected by the shaving are the pubic area or the underarm area. "Men can also be affected cheeks, chin and neck," says Zenker. But not only after the shave it comes to the unsightly irritations. Especially women who regularly use the epilator have to fight with ingrown hair especially often. Because with this type of hair removal, the hair roots are torn from the hair follicles. Due to the sometimes very strong pull, the shape and orientation of the follicles can change permanently. If they get into imbalance, the hair only grows diagonally and thus into the skin. But even dead skin scales clog the hair funnels and cause the hair can not sprout upright from the skin. And last but not least is the constant rubbing too tight clothing on the skin cause of ingrown hair.

Exfoliation and lotion for upright hair growth

But how can the hair growing diagonally into the skin be stopped? "No longer shaving, plucking or epilating helps against ingrown hair," says dermatologist Zenker. For many women and men that is not the answer. If you do not want to do without regular hair removal, there are some tips to keep in mind: For example, the dermatologist recommends that you remove dead skin cells before shaving or epilation with a mild peel. In this way, the skin does not only shine in a fresh glow, it also prevents clogging of the pores. When shaving, always use sharp blades and stretch the skin sufficiently. If epilated, the hair should be pulled out in the direction of growth. This protects the follicles. In addition, it helps to prepare the skin with a warm bath or warm compresses on the epilation or waxing. The heat opens the pores? so the hair can be removed more easily.

After hair removal, cream the irritated skin with a soothing moisturizing lotion, such as aloe vera. The hair grows well and especially straight out of the pores. "It also helps to disinfect the skin after hair removal," remarks Zenker. Who wants to say goodbye to unwanted hair permanently and long-term, advises the dermatologist for hair removal by laser or IPL.

Disinfection is everything

If the mishap has already happened and the hair has grown, it can be removed carefully. Important: the disinfection of the affected area and all utensils? For example, with high-percentage alcohol or a disinfectant from the pharmacy. The appropriate area of ​​the skin is opened with a needle and the ingrown hair is carefully removed with tweezers.

If there is already an inflammation on the affected area, it is important to keep your fingers away and to the doctor. Because of the painful inflammation can in the worst case, a boil, an abscess or even a blood poisoning develop. "The dermatologist can make a small cut in the skin with a sterile needle or with a scalpel to remove the ingrown hair from the skin," explains dermatologist Zenker. In addition, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic creams help in curing the inflammation.

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