Bad smell in the dryer?

When I wash my horse's sweat rugs and put them in the dryer (made of fleece), I always have the problem that they smear so much of horse and dung that not even 60 ° C plus hygiene washer plus fabric softener dispel that odor and afterwards even the dryer and the next load of laundry, which I dry in it, extreme (despite fabric softener!) afterwards.
(The washing machine strangely does not smell, as long as I have removed all the hair and straw residue, but after that I wash only a load of 60 ° C laundry, because of the germs, and then the "normal" laundry.)

Since I unfortunately have no tip for this situation (probably too unusual ..) found, I tried the following times today, and was thus quite successful:

I have an old cotton towel (one that can so stink ;-)) wet and stuck in the musty dryer. Before, of course, I emptied and rinsed the condensation and the lint filter. Lo and behold: after this action, the horse-Mief was on the old towel and not or hardly ever in the dryer. The charge (fresh) towels, which I dried afterwards, does not stink (is not super fresh, but has a neutral smell)!

Possibly. you can refine the whole thing by using the old towel with fragrance spray, fabric softener or similar. treated. I will possibly try this next time and post the result here.

Tell me if that worked out for you or how you deal with something (if you've had it before ...)