Beautiful plants with coffee grounds and mineral water

My houseplants have been chewing for a long time and did not want to grow. From a friend I got the tip to try it with mineral water and coffee grounds.

I collected the coffee grounds from the filter bags of my coffee machine, in a small bucket. If you put it rainproof on the balcony or in a storage room, it quickly becomes dry like powder and does not smell.

When repotting my plants, I always mix a few tablespoons of the coffee grounds under the ground. (You can fold that down without repotting it.) Every now and then a splash of mineral water is poured and the plants explode.

You just have to be careful to mix the coffee grounds well with the soil, so that no mold forms. Even the potted plants in the garden thank me with a lush splendor.

Growing Flower Gardens : How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden | April 2024