Bee sting coating grounds for a cake

Mass for a family household sheet or 1/2 GN sheet metal

Mass I
100g butter
100g sugar
100g honey
200g chopped almonds
2 tablespoons cream
1/2 bar of vanilla pulp

Mass II
100g butter
150g sugar
50g honey
200g go almonds

Bring all ingredients to a boil until the mass separates from the walls (kettle or pot edge). Allow the mass to cool slightly and apply.

If you are a little untrained in the preparation of such masses, it may happen that the mass crystallizes, then do not dilute with water, but boil the mass once more with a little water / roast.

DEADOUT - Why Did They Die? - post-mortem hive check (not my bees) - Emmy Bee Vlogs | S3 E1 2019 | April 2024