Broken mouth corners - Mundwinkelrhagaden

Some time ago I had problems with torn corners of my mouth. It hurts a lot and does not look pretty.

My family doctor told me it's called Mundwinkelhhagaden or something like that. Prescribed ointment, but it did not help. At the time, I also had to go to the dentist. He told me that comes from one-sided chewing. Yes and what now? I forced myself to chew evenly on both sides, without result.

Since a lot of my time-honored tea tree oil. Now every morning while brushing my teeth I put 1 drop on the toothbrush and have never had this problem again. TOI Toi Toi.

By the way, tea tree oil also helps against dandruff.

What Does Cracked Corners of the Mouth Mean? | April 2024