Build wellness oases in the "everyday life"

Everyone knows about us, the days and weeks run by, rushes from appointments to appointments, at home waiting for family and household, home and garden. There is always a lot to do, especially if there are still small children in the house.

I have gotten used to it, or I try it :-), to build me in the nasty everyday life small oases.

So I know, for example, when laundry is pending in the laundry room, so face mask on it, turned on audiobook on the iPod and off you go ... So I do laundry and incidentally still something for me ...

Or office work / pay bills etc. is pending. Why not take a pleasant foot bath - of course works only if you know that you do not have to get up ...

My husband also combines mowing the lawn with an iPod - listen to an audiobook, the range of textbooks on crime novels and novels is really huge ...

It's about the feeling in nasty everyday life to have done something for yourself ... that's really good ... and if it's the hot chocolate with cream in between, you do not drink every day, but just like that "today's askew-running day" needs ...

I am very curious how you can save yourself from everyday life on some days.