Carrot syrup for coughing and good for the bronchi

We always make this carrot syrup when someone is ill, it relieves cough, it also tastes good for children and is good for the bronchi. In a clean honey or nut nougat glass, it lasts a long time and you only need about 3-4 teaspoons per day.


  • 1/4 L carrot juice (fresh or off the pack)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • some water

Simmer until it is a bit thicker and syrupy.

This remedy is of course not a "magic drug", but especially in children or adults who can not take as much medication at the same time, the syrup helps to quench the coughing stimulus and creates a liberating sensation in the chest.

I hope you like my syrup and wish you a speedy recovery!

Pictures will be submitted later.