Check operating costs, possibly save costs

Attention: costs for caretaker and garden maintenance

The same are often estimated at a fair amount and are difficult to understand. Coincidentally, an acquaintance - even caretaker - has given me a tip: The landlords of course try to contain costs, where possible. It is meanwhile common to hand over 400 Euro jobs, additional payment from the JobCenter, for the janitorial work (at least in Berlin this gets more and more). My acquaintance is aware of a case in which a caretaker has been hired, who also has to take care of the garden for his pittance, do winter work and wipe the stairwells. For 3 houses with about 100 tenants. If he were to receive the salary being netted in the BKA, he could retire to the Bahamas in a few years. Take a look at what your household spirits have to do and compare with the billing. It should be worthwhile in many cases.

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