Children's toys on the sidewalk: An attempt to stop Raser

We live in a really quite residential area, where speed limit 30 applies on almost all roads. However, since our road has been expanded, and there are no parking cars on the entire street, it serves many as the fastest route from A to B.

Tempo 30 is no longer respected because there are absolutely no obstacles. Submissions to the city administration have not yielded much, measurements are not being made, street thresholds are not being built, and so there are not many ways to appeal to the responsibility of ropters.

My attempt to restrict the lawn

I got an old Bobbycar and a doll carriage from bulky waste. I attach these two children's toys alternately sporadically at various points near the sidewalk in the front yard. So that they are not as? To give away articles? be taken along, as I am used to it or by other circumstances hinder pedestrians on the sidewalk, I have attached them by means of metal rod (herring) and flower wire on the lawn. On children's toys, I have a small laminated sign with a brief explanation of what it is appropriate, if pedestrians are interested in the particular part.

The idea behind it: "Where a Bobbycar / doll carriage is, maybe a child is not far!"

Sometimes I take the children's toys away, sometimes I put them somewhere else, sometimes just a ball is enough. Since I take care of the plants in the front yard in the evening, it is not a big effort to reposition or remove a part of the sidewalk.

Of course, I can not say that all motorists feel addressed by it, but even if only a few take their foot off the gas, it is ever a success that could save human and animal life.

For the winter, I think about something else, but since the weather usually controls the lawn by itself.

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