Chili tincture for back and joint pain and more

The capsaicin contained in the chili can be used as an effective tincture in various diseases, e.g. Back and joint pain, are used.

I've been using a chili tincture for many years, which works well with lumbago, back and joint pain, muscle soreness, strains, tensions, neck pain, sciatica, and rheumatism.

Not much is needed:

  • 4-5 dried chili peppers or equivalent amount of chilli flakes
  • Korn / Doppelkorn
  • commercial skin cream

This is how it's done:

  1. The chili peppers are chopped, placed in a tight-seal jar and doused with enough corn to cover them completely.
  2. Now they need a rest period of about 5 weeks.
  3. The tincture meanwhile assumes the color of the pods.
  4. After this time, the tincture is filtered (coffee filter) and bottled in a bottle of dark glass.
  5. In a dark cool place she holds herself unlimited.
  6. If necessary, I take a few drops of the tincture and mix them with a spatula with a little cream (all-purpose cream is enough).

Very important and absolutely important information:

  • Never apply gloves to affected areas of the body!
  • Always wash your hands well afterwards!
  • This tincture / cream mixture is not suitable for children.
  • It is also necessary to check beforehand if you are allergic to capsaicin.

Many know the active ingredient from heat patches (ABC patches). If that helps, the homemade tincture will convince you.

The chili tincture does not replace a doctor's visit, but as an additional pain therapy in my opinion, based on personal experience very well suited.

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