Clean genuine lambskin

Cleaning lambskins is not so easy as they can quickly matt and subsequently become unsightly.

Unfortunately, our dog after the Gassi go (rainy weather) on the lambskin made unattended comfortable. There were clearly visible dark soiling.

In the washing machine you should not wash the coat and it would be a bit too big for that. Because, in principle, these skins are not suitable for being cleaned and washed frequently. Now I've thought about what I could do best, I read lukewarm water into the bathtub and mixed a little wool detergent and let it work for 1 hour. By hand, I then cleaned the coat in the water a bit and the dirt has been solved well by the warm water and I could let it dry outside in the garden over a pole. After it was dry, I combed the coat well with an animal hairbrush.

There is nothing matted and it looks nice and clean again. The leather back I have creamed with a few drops of baby oil, so that the leather remains soft and not by washing and drying hard.

Cleaning Sheepskin Rug - Pregnancy Nesting Series pt.3 | April 2024