Clean self-adhesive anti-slip mats for the dashboard

Rubber-coated self-adhesive slip pads for the dashboard are practical: they hold glasses, coins, keys or the smartphone safely in place and even with rapid cornering slip nothing.

However, they attract, depending on the material, dust and finest fluff formally and look after a short time unsightly. Unfortunately, they can not be cleaned with chamois leather, cockpit towels or cleaning cloths as part of the car interior cleaning, as they cause even more pollution or dust does not dissolve.

Thoroughly clean you get but with plenty of soapy water and a toothbrush. The brush should be moved vigorously in one direction, until at the end of the rubber mat forms a lint roller, which can be easily removed or brushed off. Also in the toothbrush, the fluff caught and pulled out.

The anti-slip mat must be dry in the air. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made to dry it with a kitchen towel or household roll, because then it would mean:

Go back to Los. Do not collect 4,000 fluff! ;O)

Non Slip Mat; Sticky Pad; Complete review of CleverPad-The Awesome AntiSlip Mat by Clevermatter | April 2024