Clean soleplate

If an iron is new, the soleplate glitters even more beautifully and glides over every fabric. But once it has been used a few times, it is over with the shine and the surface of the soleplate is dull.

This does not affect the function of the iron and is therefore only a visual matter, but after a while, it can also lead to coarser dirt, for example, if you have ironed something too hot and sticking the material. In this case, the pollution should be removed quickly.

Even otherwise, the iron should be cleaned regularly so that it remains operational and the soleplate continues to slide well for a long time, because after a while it can become dull.

Tips to remove coarse dirt:

Eraser and dirt eraser

If fabric remnants are too hot ironing on the soleplate, you can remove them with a regular eraser. Simply rub over it after the iron has cooled and the residue should drain off easily. It works just as well with a dirt eraser.

Ceramic Scraper

For other coarse contaminants such as Plastic residues, you can bring a glass ceramic field scraper for use. Be very careful with it. This option is particularly suitable for irons with a steamglide coating, where other tips are less applicable.

stainless steel polish

Another good way to remove plastic remains is stainless steel polish: To do this, put some of the polish on an old towel and iron it a few times vigorously with the hot iron. Then you should ventilate the apartment vigorously.

oven cleaner

Who has oven spray at home, can also use that. To do this, spray some baking-oven spray onto the lukewarm iron and, after a short reaction time, work the soleplate with an old cloth to remove the dirt.

Candle stub with not too coarse dirt

Burnt remnants can be removed with the help of a candle stub wrapped in a cloth. For this you have to stroke the wrapped stub several times over the hot soleplate. The result is very good, in addition, the soleplate slides then excellent again.

Tips for regular cleaning with normal soiling and matt surface:

common salt

Place saline on a moistened cotton ball or cloth and rub the sole of the iron.


Rub iron with toothpaste and wipe with a damp cloth.

Ceramic glass cleaner

Put some glass ceramic cleaner on a damp cloth and apply thinly on the soleplate and rub off. Then polish with a dry cloth. All dirt disappears during this process.

Lemon juice / concentrate

Rub in the warm iron with lemon juice or concentrate and polish with a cloth.

If the iron does not slip properly:

If the iron does not slip properly anymore, this will make the work to be done very difficult. To get the iron going again, here are some very good tips.


A vinegar soaked cloth: put the cold or even lukewarm iron on it for a few minutes and then rub with a pot sponge.

silicone spray

Spray some silicone spray on a kitchen towel and apply to the previously cleaned iron and rub. Repeat 1-2 times. This is considered a very good sliding tip and leaves no smudges on the fabric or strong odors, as one might suspect.

aluminum foil

Iron the hot iron a few times over a piece of aluminum foil, also here the iron glides again as if by itself. Deposits are also removed.

If you have a steam iron, it is advisable to descale it regularly so that the nozzles do not clog and extend the life of the iron. It also prevents white limescale, which could otherwise be left on the clothes while steam ironing.

Tips for descale

How To Clean Iron Bottom - EASY | April 2024