If your grill was in action again and you forgot to clean it afterwards, this is the right tip for you. Just the grill or place the grill in a tub (so that the floor does not become dirty). Then...
If you are lucky enough that the grill grid and the fat pan or baking tray from the cooker can fit together, try the following: Pretty soon after the barbecue, fill the dripping pan with warm water,...
This is the pan of the gas grill or gas burner. Immediately after turning off the gas, I empty about a liter of water into the still hot pan. Is less dangerous than it sounds - hisses neatly, the pan...
When we grill, we do it directly on the griddle, without aluminum bowls, which does not leave the tasty charcoal aroma to the grill food. Of course, the grill crusts completely. In the past, we...