Cleaning white leatherette chairs

I had black cushions on 2 chairs with leatherette cover. By using these colored on the white seat. Tried it with neutral soap (soft soap) and cloth or sponge? the seat did not get clean.

Gasoline on a soft microfiber cloth - brought some success.

Then I noticed the look at a pack of wet all-purpose cloths which are available at A..i or L..l.

With 3 - 4 Allzwecktüchern at once over the seat cleaned -> already became visibly brighter. Wiped with a damp Microtuch. There was still some dark discoloration to see.

Again 3 - 4 Allzwecktücher and again firmly over the seat cleaned until the cloths felt almost dry. Wiped with a damp cloth afterwards ... and see there => 95% of the discolorations are now eliminated. (Juhuu)

Please note - it does not work according to the motto? * With a wipe everything is gone *. It has to be scrubbed properly by hand.

I was so impressed with the success that I would like to share it here.

We wish you all the best!

How to clean white leather with Baking soda | April 2024