Cocoa without lumps and much better than with instant powder

Instant powder (Nesquick and whatever they are called) has nothing in common with Grandma's cocoa: too much sugar, cocoa almost as a "trace element", the rest are artificial flavors. The drink is therefore either too sweet or too little "chocolaty".

But the mess and chunking at home-cooked? Here is the solution:
Boil the milk in a pot as high as possible, sugar and / or sweetener AFTER TASTE (preferably first little, you can still sweeten) and good cocoa powder, also to taste, but not too little, in addition. The separate mixing of the cocoa powder is eliminated!

And now it comes: Take the pot from the fire and whisk it with the blender until everything has been homogeneously connected. Hold the rod as low as possible, otherwise it could splash. Pot can be placed in the sink as a precaution.

Lumps have no chance! Even the dreaded skin does not form so fast.

How to Make the Best Cheap Hot Cocoa Possible | April 2024