cold drink

Juice 1 lemon
1 piece of ginger (about 2cm)
1 tbsp honey
boiling, bubbling water

Boil water in a kettle, squeeze out lemon, do not peel ginger and cut into pieces (vitamins and essential oils are in the shell), chili crumbles (I take 1 whole dried pod, a little less depending on tolerability), with the EL honey in a cup pour over and boil over with boiling, boiling water, cover well with stirring and let stand for 15 min.

The ginger pieces eat best, strengthens again additionally the body's defense and is "the hit" against sore throat!
When I realize that I'm getting a cold, in the evening I drink 1-2 cups of cold drink, off to bed and the next morning everything is gone. Hard to believe, but true: o)

GUESS THE SOFT DRINK CHALLENGE | Cold Drinks Competition | Food Challenge | April 2024