Comfort on cooler evenings

Just in time for the weekend, the weather should be sunny and warm again. I enjoy spending time in the garden on the terrace in front of our garden shed.

In the evening, despite the long-lasting sunshine during the day, unfortunately, quickly cool. For this reason, we have bought a terrace fireplace that scores at nightfall with cozy warmth and comfort. It is fired with well-dried beech wood, which also lasts long and here is very cheap at the municipal construction yard is available.

Meanwhile, we also have a sufficiently large glass plate (material does not really matter) bought where he is on it safely and there is no danger for the decking.

Terrace fireplaces are conveniently available on the internet. We chose a medium price range because the very "cheap" ones may not last so long.

It was also important to us when buying that the fire basket is not open due to flying sparks. The fireplace has a flap on the front, which is opened with an included fire hook for adding wood.

You should be able to grill with the terrace fireplace, but we have not tried.

I do not want to give it up anymore and I know that I will use it again tomorrow night.

Comfort Zone Max Comfort Evaporative Air Cooler and Fan | April 2024