Constantly animal hair on the overgardine

This tip is certainly only for pet owners, who are also no "curtain haters", and who do not like to have constantly pet hair on the curtains.

Our dog has dark brown fur and hair hard though we brush it regularly. For example, he likes to lie in his cozy "dog cave" between the patio door and light beige cotton over curtains and that is exactly what you can always see in the poor curtains within a very short time. Now, of course, you could take a dark cotton curtain, but the dog's hair sticks to it as well and it's just too dark for us!

I have long thought about a solution to our problem and tried various materials, but all brought no improvement. At some point I finally found the ideal material: a woven but smooth fabric (made of polyester), on which the hair of our dog does not stick. I found it in the large Swedish furniture store, he calls himself "Saltgrund" and is (not laughing!) A black shower curtain. So I did NOT sew plastic wrap on my curtains, but a WOVEN fabric! (see picture 1)

A shower curtain is 2 m high and 1.80 m wide and costs 12.99 euros. The material is washable at 40 ° and iron on "point 2". (Since our window fronts are very large, I needed more than a shower curtain.)

I have marked our bright curtains in 72 cm height with a Abkreider (also Rockabrunder or Saumhilfe, see picture 2) and then cut off. This height depends on the size of the pet. (see picture 3) Because the set "salt ground fabric" must be higher than the pet in any case!

So that the whole thing does not look improvised, I sewed a 4 cm wide strip about 5 cm above the dark fabric. (see picture 4)

Yes, the whole thing is work, but the effort has definitely been worth it, because our curtains now remain animal hair free! If you can not sew yourself, you should contact a change tailor. Since you have to work very EXACTLY, so that everything is nice and straight, especially with 2-part curtains, which are closed in the middle (on picture 1 + 3 to recognize), the tailor should measure locally.

Tarantula Fur and Urticating Hair: Just Like Animal Hair? | April 2024