Constantly tired - what helps against fatigue?

When the fatigue comes: harmless as a nap and potentially deadly as the microsleep on the highway: the many faces of fatigue and what helps against them.

A conceptualization

The simple statement "I'm tired!" only describes a clear state at first glance. Because what exactly is meant? Am I tired, sleepy or not rested? Is my feeling of tiredness due to the fact of not having enough sleep, or is it due to completely different causes? By definition of PharmaWiki Does fatigue express "in a lack of energy and mental or physical exhaustion?". Opposite this is the condition of drowsinessthat causes "a person to fall asleep or fall asleep when sitting or lying quietly?".

Doctors distinguish between one physiological and one secondary fatigue, The former is often a sign of imbalance between effort and recovery. The secondary form, on the other hand, is often a concomitant of a disease.

The following anti-fatigue tips all refer to the physiological fatigue and its non-disease related manifestations. If there is any reason to suspect that permanent fatigue may be the symptom of a disease, a doctor should always be consulted!

Natural fatigue killer

The first means of choice is natural sleep, Sleepiness is the healthiest and easiest solution, as the feeling of fatigue is also to be understood as a protective function against overloading. Here, the sleeping habits of the different cultures differ considerably. Our Western civilization has adapted its sleeping patterns to the conditions of artificial light and regular working hours. Sleeping is usually at night and at home. For many primates, however, it is common to sleep when the daily routine allows a break. The place is often secondary. A rudimentary remnant of these more original sleep habits is in the Mediterranean siesta or the Nap to find. For some time, the phenomenon of not sanctioned by the boss office sleep (also Officenap called) on the rise.

A good hat full of sleep or a short one Powernap (Energy boil) of 15 to 45 minutes is therefore advisable in case of tiredness. Of course this is not possible in all cases. Dates, school, work and other obligations rarely take into account the individual need for sleep. For all situations in which sleep is not possible, the following tips are helpful:

  • Movement helps! A short and quick walk in the fresh air can work wonders. A pair of solid and comfortable shoes should therefore always be at hand at the workplace.
  • Window open! If the weather allows it, an open window should always provide enough fresh air.
  • Drink enough! Body and mind only work properly if the fluid balance is right. The most suitable are water, teas and diluted fruit juices.
  • Take short breaks! Especially for purely mental activities, it is important to briefly switch off in between. Just let your thoughts wander or look out of the window for a moment to gather new concentration.
  • Take a deep breath! It does not have to be complex breathing exercises? taking two deep breaths and consciously breathing supplies body and gray cells with fresh oxygen.
  • No heavy meals! The body consumes a lot of energy in the digestion of rich food. If, in addition to the fatigue, even the small hunger comes, a cereal bar or fruit is the best choice.
  • Cold water helps! A cool shower invigorates the entire organism. If this is not possible, it also helps to keep hands and forearms under running cold water and splash some of it in the face.
  • Caffeinated drinks! For the short-lived energy kick can provide a cup of coffee or tea. The caffeine in coffee is faster and shorter than the caffeine contained in tea (formerly Teein designated). Energy drinks contain higher levels of caffeine. They are medically but not undisputed.

Fatigue as a disease

Fatigue can not only be a sign of a disease (secondary fatigue), but also become the disease itself. Doctors then speak of that Chronic fatigue syndrome (chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS) or one Myalgic encephalomyelitis, This is a serious illness that, according to the Federal Ministry of Health, affects about 300,000 people across Germany. There are 17 million people worldwide.

In conclusion

So, do not pretend to be tired? If you do not have your eyes closed on this text, you may have some tips and tricks on how to best deal with fatigue. Otherwise: pleasant peace and beautiful dreams!

Health Tips - Fatigue | April 2024