Craftsman App - Swiss Army Knife

My tip today is an artisan app that's really practical and discovered by accident.

When we set up our new cupboard it fell down and it got crooked and the doors did not stay closed. Of course, my friend did not have a spirit level ... now I searched on the phone and was more than happy.

The app is called: Swiss Army Knife

Appearance: Looks like a half unfolded Swiss army knife.

Open the app and have access to:


  1. Magnifier: Enlarges everything through the camera, the magnification can also be adjusted by scale.
  2. Spirit level: After the calibration on our table, it was ready for use and has saved us! There are three pieces on the phone: a round for flat surfaces, a vertical and a horizontal.
  3. Calculator: simple keyboard with the normal types of calculation, I have meanwhile also used to convert recipes.
  4. A mirror: You can adjust the exposure by a scale here, even in dusky light I could still see me well :)
  5. Flashlight: Light up and help me find the keyhole :)
  6. Unit converter: converts euro and units of measurement (cm, l, ml, m, ...)
  7. Ruler: a small ruler that helps to measure objects in centimeters
  8. Timer: helps with cake baking, you can set up to four times and a beep sounds
  9. Stopwatch: useful for football training or jogging
  10. Compass: Orientation North: 0)

I hope you can start with this handy app, I think it's great, especially because so much is in it and everything completely free.

Always ready to make your life easier and best regards!

Larger SAKs 5+ Layers | April 2024