Cut flowers longer fresh with dish soap

A drop of detergent with in the vase and the cut flowers stay longer! I did not believe it, but it works!

Izscream: A very old woman advised me to put 1-2 drops of javel (chlorine cleaner) in the water. The flowers would be stronger and the water stay clean longer.

We all have no green but rather black thumbs. Yes, we would have weeds as ornamental plants, I bet that would even go in with us, cD

But what I do with cut flowers to keep them very long:

- exchange the water every day
- Every 2-3 days shorten the stalk by about 1-1.5cm.

Thus, the clogged with time channels through which the plants suck water removed and the plant can drink again.

For plants that have milk in their stems (such as poppy seeds), you should burn the stalk on the "cut surface" immediately after picking with the lighter so that the milk does not run out. Then the plant even makes it home! ;-)

That was all I can contribute ;-)