Delicious homemade eggnog


Total preparation time: 10 min.

On Saturday I drank eggnog myself for the first time ... very tasty. And the day after, I happen to find a recipe for it.


  • 1/2 L eggnog
  • 1 L semi-dry white wine
  • 1-3 tbsp brown sugar (depending on taste)
  • Cinnamon (as a powder or stick) to taste


Mix the egg liqueur and sugar and let it get hot. The sugar dissolves. Then add wine, possibly cinnamon and boil at least once (this gives the beautiful foam on top). Serve immediately, because the foam dissolves.

Additive: I have added 200 ml of sweet cream and 200 ml of water, contrary to the original recipe, then the egg punch tastes a bit more gentle.

How to Make Homemade Eggnog | April 2024