Do not panic cockroaches

Anyone can do it, and as I know, these moments of terror will become even more prevalent in the years to come:

There you can see a beetle-like animal with feelers sitting on the ground, which disappears as you approach, with a monkey pace under the next piece of furniture.

PANIC - I have cockroaches!

But for now, there is no reason to go crazy, because the chances are insanely good that it is only a harmless woodcock (these spread, as I found out in my research, for some time massively in Germany, especially in southern Germany, out).

And cockroaches are not pleasant because of the disgust factor and the extreme resemblance to the cockroach, but they are at least, no food pests and do not transmit diseases.

And so you can check it:

If the animals can fly, it is almost certainly a wood cockroach. But the reverse does not necessarily worry, we already had some in the house, which are not flown. Is mine sex?

Do not be afraid of the light - so you can see them during the day or do not flee at night when the lights are turned on, then it is most likely a cockroach. To see cockroaches in the light, that happens only in case of already very advanced infestation.

And the ultimate certainty: Try to capture one of the animals (do not squash) and then look at the "ruff," the transition between head and body. If this piece of tank is monochrome brownish translucent, then it is a wood cockroach. If there are two distinct black stripes on the Halspanzer, then unfortunately it is really a cockroach.

You can do little to protect against woodcock, except fly screens. But if you leave out the disgust factor, they are not bad, they do not run out of supplies and do not survive long in the house.

If you have the misfortune to actually find a cockroach, then you have to act! It is the obligation to inform the landlord. And it should be absolutely a - be carried out as far as possible by the professional - combat.

Cockroaches Are Indestructible, And the Secret Is in Their Genome | April 2024