Empty ketchup bottle: use the (centrifugal) force!

Sometimes you have the honor of meeting an almost empty ketchup, shower gel or color bottle from which you want to get the last one out. Some people start shaking the poor bottle up and down until it's bad and there's still something in it, others give themselves patiently, put the bottle upside down and wait. The gravitational force will be fine.

I have been doing it differently for several years and at this point you have to allow me to greet my physics teacher (hello Mr. Heinz), because I was an inattentive student and it will make him happy that I have taken something from his lessons and too Home directly applied practically: the centrifugal force.

Instead of waiting or shaking it up and down, I take the bottle (still screwed up!) On the floor and fling it around (see photo, do not let go!). If you do it vigorously, with only a few semicircle movements everything ketchup / shower gel / color / ... has landed in the bottleneck and you can unscrew the bottle and (here we leave the gravity for a short while) almost completely empty.

Have fun shaking!

Centripetal Force - Cool Science Experiment | April 2024