Exotic holiday atmosphere on the terrace

If you have a terrace, you should try to get onions for "Indian flowerpipe" from somewhere.

These bulbs are planted in spring, about 3-4 - depending on the size - in a flowerpot with a diameter of about 30-35 cm. First, the flower pot is felt to about three quarters with soil, then put the onions and covered with another layer of soil. If you want, you can add horn shavings.

Weekly fertilize and man / woman is rewarded in the summer with man-sized plants that carry large exotic leaves and fluffy, red flowers above.

Cut back everything in the autumn, "burying" the onions in the cellar in a flower pot filled with potting soil and occasionally pouring lightly. In the spring they are again brought to the terrace as described above.

By the way, they multiply quite easily and on their own, so that someday you can make your neighbors, friends, relatives happy with it.

6 bedroom villa with Exotic landscape (Waking up in heaven) | April 2024