Fascia training to relieve back pain

For many years I suffer from back pain, sometimes more and sometimes less. I've already tried a lot? from spinal gymnastics and yoga to physiotherapy, fango packs, massages, rehab sports, baths, medication and much more. up to the stimulation current? but everything has been of little help so far.

In a documentation I learned then that patients with back problems more often by orthopedists and physiotherapists in addition to the usual therapy, a training of the fascia is recommended. That made me curious and I then once more informed about it.

What are fascia?

Fascia (also called fascia) is a type of connective tissue. They are white or almost transparent and are present throughout the body. They surround the muscles, bones and blood vessels like a net and serve to suspend the internal organs. Fascia is actually a sensory organ for body awareness and responds to any change in the tissue. Because they are plastic, they can contract and relax just like the muscles. This happens much more slowly than with muscles.

Since the main causes of back pain are usually lack of exercise or poor posture, which causes insufficient or false stress to the muscles, it can also cause the fascia to change, become stiff and stick to the muscles or tissue. As a result, fascia can play a crucial role in back pain. But if this bonding is not complete, this process can be halted and even reversed by more active movement and targeted training of the fascia. I really wanted to try that.

Fascia roll or fascia ball

There are training for the fascia Faszienrollen in different sizes and designs. The material is mostly hard foam in different degrees of hardness, adjusted to the body weight. The surface is either smooth, but it can also have a slight grain, grooves, nubs or rounded points, which enhances the massage effect. There are also Faszienrollen with a vibrating core, which should provide for even better blood circulation.

An even better training device, which is particularly suitable for back problems, but is one Faszienball, which ? Double-massage roll ball? is called. This consists of two connected balls or balls also made of hard foam with a recess in the middle between these two balls. The size of this recess is perfect, so that when applied to the back and neck no pressure on the spinous processes of the spine, but the muscles and fasciae can be trained and strengthened very well.

Use of fascia roll and fascia ball

The application possibilities of these wonderful training devices are very versatile. They can be used not only for back complaints for self-massage, also arms, shoulders, neck, calves, thighs and even the pelvis can be massaged well and pleasant and muscle tension solve it. Also the circulation This can be improved and through the pressure Indurations in skeletal muscle be reduced. One advantage is that you can use your own body weight to determine the strength of the pressure.

Athletes can use this Faszienrolle or a Faszienball to ? Warm-Up? good for training muscle activation and thus prepare for the training.

But also after training for ?Cool down? can fascia roll or ball to the active Relaxation and regeneration of the muscles and for the prevention of aching to be used. The rolling of the muscles must be slower and longer.

Even for people who do not play sports, such a training device z. B. for pain treatment to recommend. Anyone can thus, without relying on outside help, recognize his own pain points and through self massage treat individually according to your own feelings. However, individuals with physical or health limitations should seek advice from their doctor as to whether or not to recommend use.

My experience with the fascia ball

I have been using such a double-roll massage ball for a few weeks now and can already find a slight improvement in my back problems. However, the first applications were still pretty painful, but I think that's normal. It is easy to determine which areas of the back need to be treated the most. I use it almost every morning after getting up and about 5 to 10 minutes each night before bedtime. You can either use this massage ball on a mat on the floor or on the wall. I find it more pleasant on the wall, because this one can determine the pressure and I find it much more practical.

My double-roll massage ball is made of hard foam with a slight grain, the two massage rollers have a diameter of about 12 cm and a medium degree of hardness.The massage ball is very light, it weighs only 104 grams and can also be stored very well in your holiday luggage.

I am very satisfied with this device and can recommend it to anyone who has similar complaints. I also realize that it is a tedious thing and not all pains disappear overnight, but small successes can already be seen. I do not want to miss the device any more and will definitely continue to stay on the ball ?! Buy now Outplanked Self-Massage Duoball With 12cm Diameter - High Quality Massage Ball For Backpain, Nape? Outplanked Self-Massage Duoball With 12cm Diameter - High Quality Massage Ball For Backpain, Nape? 12,70 ?

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