Fight pests in the house

At the very top of the Igitt scale is probably the spider? probably, because she is tall and conspicuous like the light brown house spider. And this is completely harmless, can not defend itself against other predatory spiders and eats faithfully and dutifully for 5 years of annoying flies and insects away. There are many other insects and creepy-crawlies that the household should fear a lot more. How to recognize them and what to do against them? Continue reading!

Flour, cereal, dried fruit moths

No matter what kind you have in the household cabinet, the Flatterdinger from the family of Zünsler and their larvae do proper damage. They infest everything that is not on the trees at three: flour, other grain products, dried fruit, nuts, even spices. Nobody is to blame, because you often buy the moths without you noticing anything. If the first moth flutters out of the closet, a thorough investigation is required: All food that has not been stored in tight (!) Sealed glass or plastic containers must be examined for infestation. If there is a kind of webbing in it: into the bin. Even closed original packaging should be examined and never think, there can not be any in there. You can! Then thoroughly clean the kitchen cupboard, as the moths often lay their eggs in cracks, preferably with a targeted and hot blast? The heat causes the eggs and larvae to die.

As a prevention of further infestation, there are adhesive traps with an attractant, which should be placed near the infested cabinet. So you can simultaneously measure the success of the fight.

clothes moth

If you discover small irregular holes or braids on your favorite sweater after the summer, they were real moths! They are attracted to dandruff and hair on clothing, lay their eggs there and their larvae feed mainly on keratin, ie animal fibers such as wool, fur, cashmere, angora. However, cotton, natural and artificial silk are not protected from damage, because from the pests build their Gespinströhre, her cocoon. What helps? Always wash clothes and moth them in plastic bags. Lavender bag or cedar wood to ward off in the wardrobe. If infested clean the wardrobe thoroughly and put the clothes in the refrigerator for a week. Or in the winter a week on the balcony. Cold do not tolerate clothes moths.

fruit flies

If there are fruit again in late summer, there are fruit flies in abundance that make everything mad, especially us! As a precaution, you should take care not to overlook any rotting fruit in the shell, to bring out the garbage on a regular basis, to not leave any half-filled bowls of Waldi and Maunzi and to ventilate them well. The little things go to the corresponding scents fully off. Nonetheless, fruit flies can not be avoided. But you can fight it with a self-made trap: set up a glass of apple juice, a dash of vinegar and two drops of detergent. Fruit and acid attract the flies, but due to the rinsing agent there is less surface tension on the liquid and the beasts drown. In case of heavy infestation you can also use the vacuum cleaner regularly!


It is said that there are ten times more cockroaches in New York than inhabitants. No matter, we are dealing here mainly with two types: The German cockroach, Blatella germanica, is yellow-brown and is proud 1 to 1.5 cm tall. The American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, is reddish-brown and can reach a fearsome 3.5 to 4 cm. Cockroaches are where there is food and they are masters of hiding. Therefore, if one suspects an infestation, sticky traps are used, but only the suspicion can confirm. To combat there are on the one hand bait gels, which you can smear anywhere where you suspect cockroaches. On the other hand pest controllers who do that professionally.


If you have a garden, you may also have some ants in the house because the nest is in close proximity to the entrances of the house. What to do? If you know where the ants board the house, you can draw a thick piece of chalk in front of it (keep renewing it), which distracts it in another direction. If you do not know it, seal all cracks and gaps with clay, silicone or glue. Coloring, thyme, juniper, lemon oil or lavender on the ant roads confuses and drives them away. The intense smells of lemon peel, vinegar or cinnamon in front of the entrances are frightening. Hirschhornsalt with sugar kills them because the salt produces poisonous ammonia as soon as it is eaten. Baking soda also works, but is unnecessarily cruel because it swells in the ant stomach until it bursts.

Everything that crawls in cereals and rice

Whether it is grain flat beetle, rice flour beetle, grain beetle, meal beetle, weevil beetle, meal mites or anything else, when it crawls in dry food, it is: away with the food. Wash the cabinet well with vinegar water and check all other food.

Holzbock - The Woodworm?

If it crumbles in old coniferous wood beams, one finds oval holes of 3 x 7 mm, partly food marks and sawdust? on the ground, then you have a Hausbockbefall that you should not take lightly. The larvae of the woodbuck, a beetle, eat gullies in the wood for at least two and up to ten years after hatching and enormously weaken the beams. When eating sounds you should call a specialist company immediately.

bed bugs

If you find strange rows of stings on your body in the morning, you may have to deal with bed bugs. Then it's time to wash bedding as hot as possible and spray a contact insecticide in all the cracks and gaps in the bedroom.


You come to the bathroom at night, turn on the lights and husch, husch, husch, tiny silver dragons are whizzing across the floor and looking for a hiding place. Silverfish are ancient insects that can live up to 5 years. They love moist, warm and dark environments and therefore we usually meet them in bathrooms, especially in interior ones. Silverfish are actually useful: they eat house dust mites and molds. Only when the population gets too big, they sometimes go to the wallpaper or sugary foods. What helps: Airing. Do not dry towels and laundry in the bathroom. Sticky traps that you can buy. A damp, sugar-dusted cloth or a cardboard strip of honey, which is disposed of in the morning. Or simple ignore.

DOCS: Pest House | April 2024