Get rid of herpes in 5 days

Since many of you know this suffering only too well, here is my tip against herpes:

In advance: After I had around 2 weeks to deal with herpes, my grandmother told me about this tip and I'm convinced. I have started several attempts, whether it was toothpaste, baking soda or ointments, nothing convinced me as much as protein.

All you need is a raw egg and a small sealable container. I separate the yolk and fill only the protein from.

With a cotton swab I dab plenty of protein on the affected area and wait a bit. When the egg white has dried, I pull the old layer Not but dab another layer on it.

No need! I puncture the bubbles with a needle and push out the water with a handkerchief, it helps me to dry out the bubbles faster and to take the tension of the lip.

If a layer falls off, just dab again. The whole thing ensures that the water bubbles dry out and regress.

Unfortunately, I can not guarantee that it will work for everyone, because every body reacts differently, but after all my desperation, I can only recommend to try it once. Buy now Gefu 12460 egg yolk separator Diviso Gefu 12460 egg yolk separator Diviso 8,95 ?

What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes | April 2024