Get rid of herpes quickly, without inflammation with myrrh tincture

Unfortunately, I often have herpes too and will easily get rid of it in just a few days with this trick:
Herpes (= cold sores) is released quickly and safely when you dab the inflamed area - usually on the lip or nose - with a little Myrrennincture. Simply add a few drops of the tincture to a cotton pad or cotton bud and dab the herpes for a few seconds. Perform this application at least 3 times a day!

However, you should use a new pad for each application, because of the high risk of infection! The tincture is not expensive, there are already for 1-2 euros in the pharmacy. You can also use the tincture for pimples or other inflammations, but it is very ethanol-containing (90%!) And therefore not always suitable for everyone!