Getting constipation under control

I would like to share my great experience with you. I suffer from severe constipation problems caused by antidepressants. I actually had everything from prunes, magnesium to the chemical nuggets!
nothing helped really.

My advice: Spelled bran!

I take about 3-5 tablespoons daily and drink them in milk or as a meal replacement in a Eiweissshake or Balassstoffshake.

The first days are a bit uncomfortable, bloating without end. But after about one or two weeks, I was able to return to the toilet as usual. Keep taking it daily and I'm fine. The many fibers in it have regenerated my intestine again. Of course, as with all swelling things do not forget, much to drink!

Editor's tip:

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Constipation and the Colon - Mayo Clinic | April 2024