Ginger against nausea

Nausea can have many causes. However, one must also know that this is not, as many assume, from the stomach, but from our brain.

Did you eat something bad? Gastrointestinal flu or even a virus such as the Noro virus? Or, as many underestimated, psychosomatic nature?

Instead of dealing with many drugs such. As MCP, Vomex A or Iberogast (ok, the latter is herbal) vollzuschupumpen help many natural remedies.

The best known to me is ginger! Even if this is very sharp in the raw state, it helps so best. Put simply, the ingredients of the ginger block the command to vomit, which, as already mentioned, emanates from the brain.

Ginger diluted, as in tea, also helps, just not so intense.

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