Ginger-sage-honey brew against cold

If the scratching in the throat starts and a cold is coming, then we do the following at home:
Wash and grate fresh sage leaves, peel and chop a piece of fresh ginger (amount as needed and intensity, I take about 1 large tablespoons for a teapot, but you have to try). Cover with boiling water and cover, depending on intensity and taste (about 15-20 minutes).

Strain through a sieve and sweeten with honey. The tea tastes very good and even my son likes to drink it. Ginger is well known as a natural wonder remedy for the inner chill in winter stimulates the circulation, cough and quenching and the first signs of a cold. It contains essential oils and is anti-inflammatory. Sage is good for scratching the throat and mild sore throat. And honey is good for everything anyway. The longer the ginger pulls, the sharper the tea becomes. You can also process the ingredients with the mortar before, but you do not have to.

Cold Remedy Tea with Turmeric Ginger Honey Citrus | HONEYSUCKLE | April 2024