Glued spaghetti / noodles you get loose again

Bonded spaghetti / noodles you get loose again when you pour a dash of boiling water over it.

Floeckchen72: So I doubt that partnerships are falling apart because of pasta ... and who could complain about the food of the partner so yes his lazy butt himself move to the stove ...

To the noodles, great tip is tried ... can not hurt ... and yes the microwave is a replacement, if you have to go fast and I have never heard that someone died of it. At most a man died that the woman no longer served him from start to finish and he had to do something to himself, because he may have starved;) Oma_Duck: @ HRD12: Oh yes, this reflexive carving on anyone who the evil M-word (Microwelle) dares to mention. And on those who do not cook noodles to DIN anyway. When gas and electric stoves came up - that's not how long ago they were - there were definitely a lot of traditional somas who refused this "new stuff".
I e.g. cook as a single a whole pound of spaghetti at a time. The not immediately used are prevented with some oil from sticking together and frozen in portions. If necessary, I thaw them briefly in the micro. This saves first time and second energy, and it tastes perfect. What more do you want?
Oh yes, I break the spaghetti before cooking in the middle, still in the pack. Now it's out!

Purple Stew - MooseTube | GoNoodle | April 2024