Ham noodles with chicory


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking or baking time: 15 min.
Total preparation time: 25 min.

Here I have for you a very simple ham and noodle recipe with chicory. Enjoy the meal!

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • 80-90 g noodles (spirals or similar)
  • about 30 g ham cubes (raw, not very lean)
  • 2-3 slices of cooked ham (depending on size)
  • 1 chicory
  • 1 tablespoon of grained meat broth
  • some butter (or margarine or similar)
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg (who likes: Maggi Fondor-Universal-seasonings)


Cook the noodles according to the packing instructions, adding a tablespoon of grained broth to the cooking water. This reduces the risk of overcooking and also gives the noodles a light spice.

While the pasta is cooking, quarter the chicory and then cut into thin strips. Also cut the ham into small pieces. After the cooking time, drain the noodles and set aside.

Put the ham cubes in a saucepan with a little butter (if you are lazy and want to save the rinse, use the pasta pot again) and let it brown a bit. Then add the chicory and cook on low heat for a few minutes. Shortly before the chicory reaches the desired cooking point (for me he still has a bit of a bite), add the boiled ham and cook with it. Finally add the boiled noodles, mix everything well, if necessary heat again briefly (usually the noodles are also still hot) and season with the spices.

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