Help with hoarseness: Omis home remedies

Recently it caught me again: I woke up in the morning and was stockheiser. I have not released a sound.

My husband and the kids thought it was funny (quote from my Gögas: "After 25 years I finally have the say!"), Not me. I thought angrily, "Well, wait!" and rolled the old book of my grandmother, in which she had written down cooking recipes and home remedies for various illnesses. After a short while I found what I was looking for and of course I would like to pass on these tips.

What helps well and most people in the house have fried apples. Simply peel (or not) an apple, cut into slices or slices and fry in the pan with a little fat. Sprinkle with plenty of sugar and still warm. Best several times a day.

No cold or hot drinks! The best lukewarm tea! If possible, guard the bed. Gargle several times a day with sage tea. Drink blackberry juice. Wear a scarf.

Whisk two raw eggs with cognac and possibly sugar and drink on ex - depending on how sick you feel, take more or less cognac (I felt very ill ;-). However, I would recommend this option only for the evening or at least then go to bed).

And finally, Omi recommends hanging wet towels over a chair and placing it next to the oven. In our modern age it will be enough to put a wet towel over the heater. By the way, you should do it with every cold.

The next day, I was fit again and, as always, my people were chasing around - especially my dear husband. For him I had a few urgent repairs to the house, which required immediate action ... Well, who laughs last ...

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