Hot feet

Unlike most ladies, I often struggle with hot feet, much to my chagrin. So I'm not talking about sweaty feet, the skin is completely dry and even tense, this is more such a feeling of fever, which really only applies to the feet.

I always have problems, be it with blisters, bruises and since my pregnancy even with water retention ... (Stinky feet, thank God, only during pregnancy ;-))

In any case, when I come to rest or would like to sleep at night, the Glüherei starts. Summer or winter ...
Of course, a cold foot shower helps in the first moment, but is rather counterproductive, since the blood really gets going. Cooling gels only help in the moment of applying.

In another sleepless night, I came across the idea to put on wet socks, so that this glowing work finally stops! And look ... jackpot! Sandman was allowed to come!

The socks do not have to be wet or dripping wet, but the air alone, or perhaps the evaporation, helps to create a pleasant "foot temperature". But you could also have a towel underlay ...

Maybe not so many of you know the problem - I know so far only one fellow sufferer - and maybe this is also a pretty obvious idea, because you also with cold compresses or a wet washcloth on forehead and neck helps ... I have in any case needed a little longer to create a link and maybe someone will still find a little help in my first tip ;-)

Snappy Jit - Hot Foot ft. Jammin Joe | April 2024