How to counteract the chaos - to counteract chaos

Many people are not decision-making enough to throw away. Therefore, chaos arises. Besides, they do not know where to start doing the housework.

Here are some tips:

Make a mistake twice a week, i. Pick up a trash and throw away anything you might want to throw away atock.

Develop and write down a daily routine. Here you have to be disciplined and pull through it. My looks like this:

  • ventilate
  • make beds
  • Dishwasher clear
  • Clear the dining table and wipe it off
  • Clean worktop and sink
  • clean in each room for 3 minutes
  • Sweep the entrance hallway
  • Dedicate 10 minutes to the laundry

Furthermore: Do any job that does not take longer than 3 minutes, because experience has shown that most actions take no longer than 3 minutes.

Jim Mattis on Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead | April 2024