Keep cats away from the sandpit

Because our baby tigers would like to use the sandbox on the balcony as a litter box in an unobserved moment, I thought about how to keep the cats away without always covering it.

I just mixed the sand with pepper.

Not too much, it bothers the children.
Also, little pepper keeps the cats, who by nature have a super good nose, from going into the sandbox.

Our cat sniffed once, then itched his nose and never tried to go back to the sand again.

The daughter has not disturbed the pepper, because children with open wounds should not play in the sand anyway and also in the mouth and eyes, the sand has lost nothing. And it did not come to sneezing attacks either.

How To Help Keep Your Sandbox Clean & Free Of Insects, Spiders, Bugs & Slugs + Safer For Children | April 2024