Keep opened paint / varnish from drying out / III

Have the trick of a painter of the old school. Close the lid tightly, turn the can once (upside down) so that the ink settles from the inside on the lid / lid edge and turn it back again. The resulting thin color film inside closes the can airtight, so that the paint in the tin can not dry! If the can is only half full (or less) filled, carefully turn the inverted can circularly so that the remaining varnish spreads better on the inside of the lid. ATTENTION: For safety's sake always keep your thumb on the lid, so that no mishap happens! When opening a new paint can, make sure that the lid edge is not dented, the better it can be closed again. Applies to both synthetic resin and acrylic paints.

Fluid-Art: CLEANING SILICONE 3 ways & avoid Varnish disaster, acrylic paint pouring | April 2024