Let yeast dough in cold water

A very simple and quick and super delicious method is to let the yeast dough in cold water. The cake gets extra juicy.

The only requirement is that fat is there.

Mix the yeast with half the amount of liquid, knead with 3/4 of the flour, the rest of the liquid and the soft fat (on 500 g of flour add 100 g of fat) to a dumpling. Very important without sugar and spices !! Put this dough piece in a large bowl of cold water and wait until it floats up. Takes about 20 - 40 minutes

The following happens now: The yeast has split the sugar from the flour into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This creates heat. In the cold water, the fat stores the heat and the yeast begins to ferment through the heat. Yes, yeast likes warm! :)

So, when the dough is floating above, remove from the water and knead with the sugar, spices and remaining flour. Sometimes he needs a little more fluid.

Continue to process it the way you want it for your recipe (filling, toppings, etc), put it in the cold oven, then it can go again while preheating.

Have fun with this unusual yeast dough method for those who want to try it out.

Cold Proofing Dough - Milk Loaf - Hand Knead | April 2024