Lower back relieve when carrying (moms)

Moms often suffer from low back pain. No wonder, if you daily lift the increasing weight of the child, whether to carry his little sweetheart with him or to lull him to sleep.

To relieve the back, you should strengthen the abdominal muscles. This is of course with sports, but you can do a lot, if you pay attention to his attitude while wearing. And of course one should always take his child out of the kien.

And that is how it works:

Make yourself straight while wearing and pull your shoulders back down. Now tilt your pelvis backwards by tensing the abdominal and gluteal muscles as if someone were punching you in the stomach. Imagine stretching your spine and stretching yourself from the inside out.

I derived this simple posture exercise from the Pilates. Because the pelvic floor is always trained with the Pilates, I consider it the best reversion sport for the time after birth.

It's a bit exhausting, but if you pay attention to it at night, you'll soon realize that lower back pain is getting less.

When you're not wearing it, you can relax your lower back by sitting on your heels and tilting your head and arms forward.

Watch out! The straight abdominal muscles should be trained specifically only with sports, if no diastase is present. This is a 2-10 cm wide cleft under the abdominal wall, which often forms when the straight abdominal muscles are pushed aside by the growth of the uterus. You can also feel this gap yourself by lying on your back, tensing your abdominal muscles, lifting your head and neck while scanning the area between the end of your chest and the belly button with your fingers. If you want to be sure, ask your midwife, the doctor or a physiotherapist. The cleft usually returns after a few months after birth.

Moms with Lower Back Pain | April 2024