Make muesli bars yourself


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking or baking time: 20 min.
Total preparation time: 30 min.

My kids love cereal bars. Unfortunately, the purchased are mostly very sugary. So I thought it would not be that hard to make the bars myself. For some time now I bake them myself. Here I proceed as follows:


  1. 500 g of student food with cranberries, put in portions on a chopping board and roll with the rolling pin. The nuts crumble into smaller pieces.
  2. Mix the currant crumbs, with 100 ml of tasteless oil, 200 g of oatmeal, three eggs, a pinch of salt, grated lemon zest, vanilla and table sugar (amount to taste). The amount of sugar may be slightly lower than the bake cake, because the cranberries bring a lot of sweetness.
  3. Also, I've found that over time, my kids get used to less sweet bars by reducing the amount of sugar from time to time. Incidentally, stevia powder is also possible.
  4. The mass I spread in stripes on a baking sheet with baking paper. The fact that the bars are not accurately rectangular does not disturb my offspring at all.
  5. The whole comes for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees (circulating air).

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