Make natural calcium from egg shells

Hello, have a tip for you, but I've stolen, but thought, the more people read it and know how to fill up his calcium balance or keeps in balance, the better it is!

Almost everyone knows that egg shells can be used for everything. But, that you can use them as calcium storage, I did not know yet.

Eggshells contain 90% calcium. So a natural calcium.

Here is the tip

  1. Carefully rinse the eggshells in a colander under running water. Make sure that you do not hurt the skin inside, or rinse it out.
  2. Then boil for 10 minutes to kill pollution and possibly bacteria. And they have to be covered with enough water while cooking.
  3. Switch the oven to 95-100 degrees and dry the bowls for approx. 15 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool and then grind in a blender, mortar, etc.
  5. Take 1/2 teaspoon daily, eg. B. in drinking, eating or pure. This half teaspoon contains about 400 mg of calcium.

Pictures follow, because I forgot to do some.

Egg Shell Calcium For Dogs | April 2024