Make personal bookmarks with a photo or name

In old and valuable books you will find bookmarks for marking pages. I find that very convenient and book friendly. Here are two ideas on how to make personal bookmarks for your own or borrowed books in just a few minutes.

For a permanent personal reading tape for your own books you need

  • A flat ribbon (gift ribbon, satin ribbon, raffia, etc.) is about 5 inches longer than the book is high (pay attention to color fastness, not that they rub off and ruin the book!)
  • A sticker (eg address label, self labeled label, name tag)

This is how it's done

  1. Place the tape in the fold between the last page and the back cover
  2. Fix the sticker across it
  3. Possibly. Make another knot at the other end and / or cut it at an angle so that it does not fray

Now the tape can be used like an original reading tape. The sticker then identifies the book as part of its own possession. I like to lend my books. In this way, the borrower does not forget who the book belongs to. If I give away a book, I can attach the name of the recipient right there.

For a portable personal reading tape you need

  • a flat rubber band
  • a passport photo, sticker or name tag
  • free label

This is how it's done

  1. Cut the rubber band so that it edits around the book
  2. Close the rubber band with the stapler to the ring or sew together
  3. Glue a free label over one side of the closure from the other side

Now the rubber ring can be wrapped around the already read pages, so that the photo can be seen on the outside of the book. This marks not only the page, but the book as a current reading of the person, which can be seen on the passport photo. This bookmark can go from book to book and is also suitable for borrowed books.

When we have appointments as a family that are associated with waiting times, I often have books from several family members in my purse. With such marked books, I quickly know who owns which book.

In a school class, where everyone works with the same books, each student quickly finds his own, if he so labels.

3 Easy DIY Bookmark Ideas | Pumpkin Emily | April 2024